For centuries, science has been unable to present a complete theory for all forms of gravity. From its influence on massive objects and clusters of galaxies to its effect on gases, quantum particles, and waves. We study Newton and Einstein in school, only to be confused later by contradicting notions and countless irrational explanations. While there are valid points in the most familiar theories, they are simply incomplete. The principles they describe are approximations and are mainly related to gravity around massive objects. There has not been a legitimate connection between general physics, quantum mechanics, and the universe's four fundamental forces…until now.
An innovative modern concept known as Gravitative Energy Displacement Theory or GEDT offers a unique perception by redefining the nature of the universe and space to explain how gravity works on objects of all sizes. It also answers many of the questions surrounding dark energy and dark matter. GEDT is a progression of everything that has come before it. Derived from well-established mathematical, observational, and theoretical components, it builds from the collective efforts of the most brilliant minds in science.
It also considers new evidence and information recently obtained from the James Webb telescope, that dispels many of the beliefs that science has held on to for hundreds of years. It effectively fills in the missing areas of previous theories to give the first complete description for all forms of gravity.
In 1687, Isaac Newton introduced the Principle of Universal Gravitation, which predicted that all masses are inherently pulled and attracted toward each other by a gravitational force. He also stated that the distance between objects affects the gravity of those objects, which is evident in how the moon's gravity affects the ocean tides on Earth. In 1915, Albert Einstein challenged Newton's attraction idea with his Relativity theories. He proposed that massive objects warp the fabric of space-time, curving the geometry of the surrounding space, to create a gravitational field. Einstein also put forth the equation E=MC squared which states that energy and matter are interchangeable and are simply different forms of the same thing. Each of these visionaries changed our perception and understanding of the universe and physics leading science into the modern day.
GEDT describes gravity differently, consisting of two parts that originate from the same source. Part one addresses the gravitational effect around massive objects, which was the emphasis of both Newton and Einstein. Part two focuses on the effect of gravity in open space where there is no visible matter. This includes the effect on quantum particles, gases, and black holes and how it relates to gravity around massive objects. Beginning with part one, we will focus on Einstein’s description of a massive body warping the fabric of space-time to create the effect of gravity. This idea is usually illustrated in the context of our solar system or galaxy, which appears flat and two-dimensional. But not all galaxies have the same form.
Some galaxies have odd irregular shapes appearing elongated or spherical, yet they are all held together by gravity without the necessity of a two-dimensional formation being warped. GEDT states that the universe is undeniably three-dimensional, so gravity cannot accurately be described in a two-dimensional context, as it is in Einstein’s explanation.
When referring to gravity on Earth, Newton said that a gravitational force causes an apple to fall downward. But Einstein stated that an apple does not fall to the ground because of a force. He said it is in freefall toward the ground because it is reacting to a distortion of space-time caused by the Earth's huge mass. In the same way he believed that the sun, with greater mass, bends space-time to keep the planets with less mass revolving around it. This also refers to warping or curving a flat two-dimensional plane. Like a bowling ball resting in the middle of the trampoline.
For Einstein’s explanation of gravity to be valid, he had to presume that space is not a void, or a vacuum, or empty as it is commonly thought of. In other words, how could he believe that a massive object like a star or a planet warps space to create a gravitational field if nothing is there to warp? The fact is, there is no such thing as nothing. It is a false term because something exists everywhere even if it is undetectable. Therefore, this theory states that we need to understand the composition of space before we can understand how gravity truly works. In the prevailing model of the Universe, 70% is thought to be dark energy, 25% is dark matter, and less than 5% is visible ordinary matter like galaxies, stars, and planets. GEDT estimates that the portion of visible matter in the universe is less than 1%. This means that more than 99% of the universe consists of something that has not been clearly defined. The terms dark energy and dark matter are merely labels given to something that science has not been able to understand.
This new theory defines the composition of space and how the gravitational effect is produced by revealing the true source of gravity, including what dark energy and dark matter really are. Gravitative Energy Displacement Theory states that the gravitational effect of a large mass is not caused by the warping or curving of the so-called fabric of space as Einstein suggested. It is also not a mysterious pull or an attraction between two objects as Newton thought. Instead, the effect of gravity around any mass, matter, or extreme concentration of energy, is produced by the displacement of space. In other words, by an object taking up an area where space would otherwise exist. This theory further explains that displacement causes the space surrounding an object to create constant pressure, pushing inward toward its center. This simply means that space is what produces gravity, not mass or matter.
This also explains why massive bodies in the universe are round. When matter first accumulates it forms irregular shapes like we see with asteroids. Because small amounts of displacement create weak amounts of space pressure. But as asteroids gain more matter, they grow into larger masses generating greater displacement. Eventually, increasing pressure around an object forms it into a sphere. As these objects collect additional matter from collisions, they become denser yielding even more displacement. Once these massive bodies have fully formed into stars and planets, the pressure of space pushing in all directions between them, along with their momentum, reaches a state of equilibrium that keeps their orbits and distances fixed.
The closer you are to the surface of a massive object; the stronger gravity is. The further away you get from the surface, the weaker gravity becomes. Because at a distance the pressure of space is dispersed over a larger area. When a rocket lifts off, it faces strong resistance from this pressure being concentrated at the earth's surface. As it travels further away, the resistance becomes weaker. When the rocket gets closer to another object like the moon, it is affected by space pressure pushing toward the moon's surface, because the moon also displaces space to create its gravity. Likewise, the closer you get to the center of a massive body, the weaker gravity becomes because there is less density beneath you. This continues until you reach the core where the pressure of space from every direction is neutralized to zero gravity.
Displacement can be visualized by placing a ball in a glass of water. As a lighter ball takes up an area where water used to exist, it creates pressure, causing the water level to rise. When a denser ball is placed in a glass with the same amount of water it creates greater displacement and produces more pressure, making the water level rise even higher.
Therefore, more density means greater displacement. This is very different than buoyancy, which is the ability of an object to float. Or hydrostatic pressure which is determined by the amount of fluid surrounding an object.
So what Einstein perceived as a gravitational field, caused by the warping of space, is actually the gravitational effect created by the displacement of space. While the mass of an object impacts gravity, it is the density of an object that governs its strength. There are examples of this throughout the universe. Black holes have the greatest density and the strongest gravity that we know of, even holding entire galaxies together. So strong in fact that nothing can escape, not even light. They are created by the death of a massive star called a supernova, where the dying star collapses in on itself. GEDT states that black holes are so dense that they create a vortex of infinite gravity where the extreme pressure of the surrounding space pushes everything into its center. This theory goes on to explain that the function of a black hole is to devour and disperse. Everything that it consumes is annihilated and recycled back into the universe, as space is replenished and regenerated through this vortex.
Neutron stars are the densest bodies in the universe. They produce the strongest gravity of any object, despite being relatively small. This is another example that denser bodies possess a greater concentration of mass and create greater displacement. In our solar system, Neptune is the fourth largest planet and ranks third in mass. Yet it’s second in gravitational strength behind only Jupiter. This is because Neptune has the greatest density of the four gas giants despite being the smallest. The only reason Jupiter has stronger gravity is because its massive size eclipses the density difference between it and Neptune, producing greater displacement. Earth has stronger gravity than Uranus, which is four times larger and has more mass, because the Earth possesses greater density. Mars and Mercury have nearly identical gravity despite Mercury being only 3/4 of the size of Mars. This again is due to Mercury's greater density.
We can only detect and measure gravity in the presence of mass or matter, but it exists everywhere as a universal constant, or as Einstein called it, a cosmological constant. Space has usually been perceived as an insignificant backdrop. But it is actually an influential entity that facilitates everything that happens in the universe, especially as it relates to gravity. In other words, universal events do not occur in space, they occur because of space. So how is space the true source of gravity instead of mass or matter as we have been taught to believe? How does it apply pressure around objects to create a measurable gravitational effect? And how can it possibly compel the smallest and lightest subatomic particles, gases, and atoms to bind together to form massive objects?
The standard scientific response has been that gases collapse under their own gravity, which is an irrational notion similar to Newton's idea that bodies are naturally pulled and attracted toward each other. Also, Einstein said there has to be a massive object warping space to create gravity, but something pushes particles and gases together. Remember in part one of this theory, we discovered that a massive object displaces space to produce the effect of gravity around it. But if there are no massive objects and there are only gases and particles, how is gravity produced? This is really where GEDT departs from the conventional view of the universe, taking an entirely different approach and redefining the composition of space. The answer to this is in Einstein’s equation E=MC squared where he showed that energy and matter are interchangeable. Now we get to what space and more than 99% of the universe consist of, and what the E in this equation represents…Energy. This is what makes everything come together and is the basis and foundation of part two of this theory, which is the effect of gravity in open space.
Energy is the most abundant and fundamental component of the universe. In other words, space does not contain energy, it is energy. GEDT redefines dark energy and describes the universe as an infinite plasma-like field of gravitative energy alive with continuous activity and transformations. So not only is space not empty, but everything that exists in the universe is composed of different manifestations of this energy. This theory states that dark energy and dark matter are transitional stages, as energy and matter continually transform from one state to another over vast amounts of time. This process produces and influences three of the fundamental forces in the universe, the strong force, the weak force, and the electromagnetic force. This energy is also solely responsible for the fourth force we refer to as gravity, which is not even a force. It is a universal constant of space.
Gravitative Energy does not pull the universe apart as some scientists believe. On the contrary, it continually pushes everything together, from fundamental particles and gases to visible matter like planets and stars. As it permeates everything in the universe, this energy is the single source that accounts for all forms of gravity and both parts of GEDT’s theory. Dark matter has previously been defined as the theoretical existence of WIMPS or Weakly Interacting Massive Particles. According to this concept, dark matter is merely a stage of development originating from gravitative energy. As this energy oscillates, it generates areas of intense concentration referred to as dark matter, from which gravitational waves form. This continuous activity creates all of the diverse types of energy described in quantum field theory, which is an explanation of how energy and matter interact on the atomic and subatomic levels.
The Standard Model of Particle Physics is the part of quantum field theory that science has to describe the most elementary building blocks of the universe. The seventeen theoretical particles described in the standard model each originate from their distinct fields of energy, continually interacting and mixing. As elevated amounts of energy in these quantum fields intermingle, they create waves producing vibrations similar to ripples in water. From these actions, the elementary particles of the standard model pop in and out of existence, becoming present only when observed. Otherwise, they remain waves of energy. This is a concept known as wave-particle duality. These components remain in a hybrid form of both particles and waves until they are pushed together by gravitative energy to produce quarks and gluons. These two elementary particles then form protons and neutrons, which unite with electrons to become atoms. Atoms are then pushed together to form molecules, which are configured into gases. Gravitative energy then compresses the gases over time, to form all visible matter.
Particle physicists believe they will soon detect the graviton, which will become the eighteenth fundamental particle of the standard model and further confirm GEDT. This particle is believed to carry the force of gravity, similar to how photons carry the electromagnetic force producing visible light and the entire electromagnetic spectrum. So how do the Big Bang and the suggestion of an expanding universe fit into GEDT? This theory does not depend on whether or not The Big Bang happened, but it does make a point to question certain contradictions in its explanation.
This event is described as an infinitely dense singularity, supposedly containing all the matter in the universe, exploding everything into existence 13.8 billion years ago. This consists of hundreds of billions of enormous galaxies each containing hundreds of billions of stars and planets that are thought to still be moving apart from each other. Some scientific arguments have been made that suggest the Big Bang never happened because the James Webb telescope has observed equally developed galaxies in every direction. Galaxies that according to The Big Bang and Expansion, should not even exist. There are no signs of early stages of development indicating a clear beginning point.
The most recent explanation that science has offered for this is that the universe is expanding so fast that the beginning development of matter and early galaxies are beyond our observation because they are too far away for their light to reach us. In other words, they are moving away from us faster than the speed of light, even though science has stated that nothing can move faster than light. This explanation is improbable because the light from these early galaxies as well as galaxies formed after ours would have started traveling outward immediately. Partially developed galaxies should be visible with our telescopes from the location that they were in when their light first started traveling, even if they moved further away from us due to the hypothetical expansion of the universe.
The cosmic microwave radiation background, which is a map of the radiation levels in the universe, also appears to be the same in every direction. Science’s response to this is that The Big Bang took place everywhere in the universe at the same time. This contradicts the way this event has been described as well as scientific illustrations showing a cone of development with a distinct point of origin. Finally, there is the proposition that the current diameter of the universe is 93 billion light-years across while it is only 13.8 billion years old. The explanation for this is that the universe has expanded so much that the distant objects giving off light 13.8 billion years ago have since moved even farther away from us. Today, mathematical calculations estimate that distant galaxies are considered to be more than 46 billion light-years away in every direction. This implies that our vantage point from Earth is the center of the universe. As a reminder, this was an outdated idea formed in ancient Greece that was disproved by Copernicus and Galileo in the 1600s.
Contrary to the idea of the Big Bang, science has determined that galaxies commonly collide with each other, which gives evidence that contradicts the belief that the universe is expanding and that galaxies are moving further apart. It puts into question how any objects could have formed if the universe has always been moving further apart. The idea of redshift is also used to support the idea of universal expansion. It has been explained that as light travels further away from our view, the waves are stretched out and appear to be red. However, redshift can be produced by any type of motion or activity at a distance, not just from objects moving further away from us. It simply means that light waves are being extended. Some scientists have even proposed that light waves change or get weaker over great distances. According to GEDT, what we see as universal expansion is an illusion of light due to constant transformations between matter and energy in the universe.
If the universe has always been expanding there is no reason to believe that this only occurs between galaxies. If this phenomenon was literally happening, galaxies and solar systems alike would be torn apart and disintegrate or would have never formed in the first place. It seems that the ideas of The Big Bang and Expansion are unlikely. All of these compelling arguments led GEDT to draw definitive conclusions. This theory states that if science is convinced that the universe is expanding, that would indicate a common belief that space performs this action, confirming that it is an active entity and not a stationary backdrop. And if it is possible for space to pull things apart, it is equally possible for it to push things together the way this theory proposes.
It is important to note that science is heavily focused on using mathematics and equations to predict and explain universal phenomena, especially in physics. These equations do not prove that a theory is valid. They only predict what is expected to be true. Equally important are observations and tests. Again, they only offer a best guess about what is being studied. They can never be seen as irrefutably correct. Traditionally, once an idea becomes commonly accepted, equations can be modified in an attempt to validate a particular idea. In other words, make the math fit the concept. This is done more often than you might think. Even Einstein added the Greek letter Lambda to his equations to represent a cosmological constant and validate his theories.
Likewise, most scientists and professors prefer to recite commonly accepted principles rather than formulate original ideas. The risk of this is that it creates a narrow point of view or a sort of tunnel vision that prevents alternative concepts from being considered. This is one of the main reasons that science has been unable to accurately define all forms of gravity in the past. GEDT states that for science to advance we have to respect established processes while nurturing new ways of thinking.
To Achieve Universal Wisdom, we need to combine knowledge, insight, philosophical views, and psychological foundations, while reason and logic sometimes have to prevail over conformity and tradition. While there will always be skeptics, some forward-thinking scientists, as well as future generations with advancing technology, will be inspired by this concept and recognize an opportunity to bring us closer to a theory of everything.
In conclusion, Gravitative Energy Displacement Theory states that there is only one universe, having no beginning or ending in time or distance. What we see is only a glimpse of an infinite and eternal process that endures far beyond our observation. The entire universe consists of a continuous field of fundamental gravitative energy that is neither created nor destroyed. It simply exists transforming between various stages of energy and different forms of matter, affecting massive objects as well as elementary particles. Whether you believe in God's Perfect Creation or you accept the idea of Entropy, central to everything is gravity.
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